
Welcome to the website celebrating the culmination of 15 years of Carol's hard work and persistence. Mark is 100% with me on this.

Who's daft idea was it to get married in October? Well, it was definitely Mark's! But to be fair, did you see the weather in August? We nearly got washed out of the Peterborough beer festival!

On the other hand, venues are cheaper in October so it means we can spend more money on food and drink. But it doesn't mean we've forgotten about the weather. How could we, we're British!


If the sun has gone out and bought himself a brand new hat for the wedding, and decides to put it on for us, then so much the better. The venue has some nice gardens to walk around and have photos taken in, and the Manhattan Suite has a patio area outside for enjoying the evenng sun. And of-course there's the golf for those who are interested in the morning.

On the other hand, if the clouds open and drench us, you'll be wondering what to do - especially once you've dressed up in all your finery!

To be honest, you'll probably just get wet! But wait, we have thought about this... The walk from the venue to the reception is about 5 minutes - we timed it, walking slowly, stopping to admire the scenary as we went. We've bought a dozen cheap umbrellas from the pound shop (which are the same price as expensive umbrellas would have been at the pound shop, but they'd sold out of them). These should keep people dry between the two points (the route is on proper paths/roads, not across grass/mud). But for the die-hard hydro-phobics, there is also the option of driving to the venue, then driving to the reception; both have their own carparks. And once inside the venue there's no need to go anywhere; we're not going to turf you out to re-organise the venue between the wedding breakfast and evening reception.

However, there are some nice things to look at and listen to if you walk between the venue and reception, so unless the weather is terrible that's what we'll be doing ourselves.

If you trust science, you could always look at the long range forecast....