
Welcome to the website celebrating the culmination of 15 years of Carol's hard work and persistence. Mark is 100% with me on this.


It took me 15 years but I got there in the end!

Can you believe it's 15 years since I first saw Mark in that wedding dress at Peterborough Leos' Charter in 1995? Actually that's not so hard to believe when you compare it with the fact that all these years later I'm going to be the one wearing the dress and he's going to be my husband!

OK, so plenty of people saw it coming before either of us did. But now that it's happening I want plenty of people there (a) to witness it, (b) to make me go through with it, (c) to make him go through with it, and (d) to eat drink and get merry with me afterwards until I forget what it was I went to Staffordshire for in the first place.

If you're reading this (and it looks like you are) then you've probably had one of those invitations from me (lucky you). So please don't forget to RSVP so that we know whether you're coming (as soon as you do) so that we can make our plans - you really don't want Bridezilla chasing you up for not replying!

If you haven't had an invitation and you're just being nosey to see what you're missing (luckier you), then welcome to the website anyway - if you didn't get an invite it's either because I don't know you, I don't like you, or I just plain forgot about you. If you think it's the latter then you'd better let me know right away!

Carol Dickinson